We're live!

Yes! The dream is alive. It's been a few months coming, but the website is now live and the mission to help a sustainable and thriving Nature is underway. With this first blog post, I'd like to share with you some of the considerations behind this website and why this company was established in the first place. 

Having always been a nature buff, it has been detrimental to my general happiness to see report after report laying out the realities and forecastings of an increasingly worsening nature and climate.

NaturalGlobe is my attempt to do good for the planet. The basic premise is to sell quality goods, and use the profits to buy up land and leave it to itself*. While this act in isolation will preserve and convert land to carbon-sinks to combat climate change, it is primarily a way to say: "Here you are, Nature. This land is now free from human engineering". While humans are welcome - and even encouraged - to visit the areas under legal control of NaturalGlobe, the areas are mainly meant as refuges for plants and wildlife. 


The initial product offering is men's t-shirts, since this is, to be honest, a product category I find somewhat relatable. The business does not need to limit itself to men's fashion though. Or even apparel. I would like to offer a broad range of quality goods that households need in their daily lives. The idea is to take a market share of an economy that will be there regardless (we all need clothes, linens, kitchen appliances, etc., right?) and instead of the profits going to line the coffers of more traditional companies, it will go into buying land and leaving it to itself.


Right now, NaturalGlobe's staff consists of ... me. While being somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades, I find myself an expert of none :). If you sympathize with the mission, and feel you have skills and/or drive to help push us further, you are most welcome to reach out. Ideally, the NaturalGlobe venture should be a collaborative effort.


*Depending on the state of the land, an inital reforestation/-wilding might be performed. 


- Niels

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